of course it doesn't happen all the time! maybe just a third of the time do people behave this way. the othere two-thirds of the time, people will at least smile, at most engage in a conversation with me! when i notice someone really interested in wyatt, i will ask them something like "oh, do you love someone with Down syndrome too?", which is a great conversation starter! i often find that they have a family member or family friend who has Ds, and often a story to share!
you see, i LOVE to talk to people....all people! i love to admire their precious babies and children too! i guess that's why i have such a hard time understanding someone not even smiling at our precious boy. i know that before we were blessed with wyatt i probably stared from time to time at folks with disabilities as well; i wish that i had known better then! but i have learned that we are ALL more alike than different! created in the image of God, just as HE intended us to be! blessings....
some people just dont get it....their loss
ReplyDeletemiss you my friend, that sweet boy sure is growing!