Friday, August 13, 2010

A New Year...School, Marriage....

school has started! ethan is a senior...forrest is a 4th grader...wyatt's still a baby! everyone seems happy with their teachers, parking spaces, bus driver, therapists, life, etc.....i can't believe that i'm the mother of a senior, though, how did that happen? next year this time he'll be starting!

as tim and i celebrated our anniversary last weekend, we did reflect on where we are now, and where we expected to be 22 years ago! tim never expected us to be living in florida (i was kind of surprised!) .... i don't think i expected us to have 3 children. neither of us expected to have a BABY at this point in our lives, that's for sure! God's plans are so much greater than ours.....and i'm so glad!

1 comment:

  1. :-) God is so good and so wise! Glad this new year is off to a good start for all of you. :-)
