Friday, September 17, 2010

"God Breaks...."

i find it funny that with all the plans i make, God often says..."stop!" this has happened to me so many times...."God breaks," i call them. i'll be looking at full days for a busy week ahead; my plans, good things, some important, some not so important, and someone will get sick...maybe more than one somebody! maybe even me! and then i have to STOP. (at least somewhat!)

this has been one of those usually happens in the fall...and even though we don't have fall weather right now.....wyatt's ear infection turned into bronchitis, which he shared with me.

he's such an easy baby that we could continue to do some of the "musts" on our list, but not everything! it's too bad that it took until the end of the week for me to recognize this "God break...."! i wonder what i missed out on in my busyness of trying to keep going? will i ever learn???

i think i'll go REST now! (cough, cough!)

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! Usually happens on the busiest of weeks or days...

    I will be praying for your healing!
