Friday, September 9, 2011

Huge "Changes Ahead" For Wyatt! (Part 2)

finally caught it with the camera!
sorry to leave you all hanging there....just couldn't put any more info into that one post!  lol!   i don't even know where to begin!!!  there has been so much change in wyatt in the last's crazy!    crazy good!!!!!

wyatt's sensory evaluation took place on august the 8th and just as hope haven's therapists and social worker had suggested, wyatt does NOT have full blown sensory processing disorder, but has some sensory integration issues. 

he began his sensory therapies on august 9th, just a little over a month ago; those therapies specifically include "brushing and joint compression" as well as "therapeutic listening."  i will explain those further in subsequent posts over the weekend!

look at me!

within about a week of wyatt starting his sensory therapies, he started babbling a LOT more....and even answering questions; either with an appropriate head shake of "yes" or "no"; or with a word, such as "mine!"   he has also started vocalizing new and exciting sounds as well!  

he is using his signs more; and picking up signs more quickly!  it's such a joy to see him communicating more!

intently concentrating on stacking!
within two weeks of sensory therapies, he started WALKING!!! just taking a few steps at first (to big brother forrest!).....up until last night when he walked (a bit unsteadily, but completely unassisted!) down the sidewalk....two house lengths!  now he doesn't always want to be carried...he wants to WALK!!!!

how about that pointer?   

we, as well as his other therapists. have seen HUGE improvements in his ability to FOCUS and ATTEND to a task!    he will sit down and work manipulatives, isolate his pointer finger much better, work puzzles more intently.....and so much more!   
just hanging out with my friend!

another VERY EXCITING change is that wyatt has been more gentle and kind with his friends!  almost immediately, he stopped "hitting" his friends (out of excitement), and instead pats and loves on them gently!  this is HUGE!!!!    you can see him here with his precious friend kate! 
just sharing a little love!
thanks for sharing these joyous "changes" with us!  we know that God has great things in store for wyatt, and are so blessed that He chose us to share this journey with him!    i'll further explain exactly what we're doing with wyatt in the next post......

1 comment:

  1. Oh my WYATT!!!!!!! I so needed to see those pictures of "my" boy. He looks so good and WALKING! Whoot whoot!
