Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm Doing What I Can....

are you doing what you can? do you reach out and help where you can? do you offer a kind word and a smile to someone who is lonely? what can you do? something to think about....i just finished reading, and have been challenged and encouraged by, the little book, "she did what she could" by elisa morgan.

this book is based on Mark 14:3-9 in the Bible, and centers around the story of mary of bethany, the sister of martha and lazarus (who was raised from the dead), anointing Jesus' head with an expensive jar of perfume. this happened a little over a week prior to His death on a cross, His sacrifice for the sins of the world. she was quickly criticized by some of the men present for the lavish gesture; the perfume was valued at approximately a year's wages. they scolded her, saying the money from the sell of the perfume could have been used to feed the poor. Jesus quickly defended her actions, telling them that "she did what she could," anointing his body for his imminent burial. under the circumstances there was nothing else she, a woman, could have done, and her actions were lauded by Jesus as a "good thing..."

this book has helped me evaluate my life right now. is my life what i thought it would be? no; by this point i had hoped to be in the process of writing/publishing a book. but i'm where God wants me to be....a stay at home mom to three sons, one who happens to have a little something extra....Down syndrome! without a doubt, i know i'm right where God wants me!

but am i doing all i should be doing? probably not; it's a busy life and i must pick and choose daily what i'll attempt to accomplish! but i do realize that i am doing what i can do. i can love my family and take care of them and their needs. i can make sure wyatt gets all the therapies and doctor's appointments that he needs. and the list goes on....

i can raise awareness about Down syndrome by blogging and talking to people i encounter daily about wyatt's Ds. i can support and encourage my friends locally, as well as my friends online who have children with Ds. i take seriously this responsibility, and feel that it's a tremendous blessing to "share life" with other families who've been blessed with a loved one who has Down syndrome....because we need each other!

this book was very freeing in emphasizing that we can't do everything, but we can do something! i'm doing what i can.....what about you?

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