laura's newest sister,
autumn! |
today's valentine is a CALIFORNIA GIRL, lovely laura! her mama and sister are my facebook friends, and i just love their family! they love the Lord and are faithful Christians whose witness is a beautiful testimony! their family is currently in the process of adopting adodable autumn (aka donna) from eastern europe! autumn will turn 3 on saturday; you can follow their adoption journey on their blog, anticipating autumn! please be in prayer for them during this time, and consider donating to the costs of their adoption! you can donate by clicking on autumn's picture in the sidebar!

Laura loves dancing, music and musical toys. She also likes to do puzzles and give lots of hugs and kisses. She loves nursery rhymes and likes to sign them, especially "the itsy bitsy spider","the wheels on the bus" and "patty cake"! Laura loves pushing toys around, especially her stroller with her doll in it and her shopping cart. She LOVES bathtime! Funny but true.. Laura loves following us around as we are vacumming and tries to get in front of the vacuum and touch the light on it.

Laura's favorite foods are breads, pastas, rice (all the starchy foods..haha), ice cream (even though she can only have the soy kind), and Rice Krispies cereal. She loves crackers and signs it off and on ALL day long!
What doesn't Laura like? Furry animals, dolls with lots of hair, doctors/nurses, getting her teeth brushed and face washed and peas!

Laura LOVES her siblings; Travis (21), Ashley (19), Cody (10) and Landon (4)! Before bed, Laura's nighttime routine is that Travis sings "twinkle, twinkle little star" to her as he lifts her up in the air and sways back and forth with her. Just when he is ending the song she crunches her legs up and yells out (her way of singing the very last part of the song)! {oh.my.word!!!! completely adorable!} She also loves to play with her Landon a lot! He can't give her enough kisses and hugs...wont leave her alone...haha. But she likes it
What else does Laura like? Wyatt, of course!!!
And she said "YES!" She will be Wyatt's Valentine!!!
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