Monday Valentine Mystery....What is Katie's Answer???
today's valentine is precious katie, another southern girl from south georgia! hopefully we will meet in real life in the next few weeks! katie's mommy and i have been facebook friends for over 2 years. donna prayed us through wyatt's open heart surgery, and chatted online with me late at night while we were in the hospital. katie and her brother have both had open heart surgery at the same hospital as wyatt's surgery, eggleston children's hospital in atlanta, i think by the same surgical team! i will never forget our late night chats as she encouraged me in all we were going through! you can follow their blog, "loving life," here!
Katie is Wyatt's "older" girlfriend, turning 4 in
March. She happily attends school 5 days at week--public and private school,
one being in the local school system and the other at a church based school. She
has made a lot of new friends this year since starting school. She loves going
to school everyday and enjoys circle time the most. Her teachers at both
schools say that music is one of Katie's favorite things, she dances and sings
during music time.
She loves to watch Signing Times and knows about 200 signs.
She sings and signs as she watches these videos! She has also become a huge fan
of Dora the Explorer and Elmo. She calls out Dora's name several times a day!

She loves to be read to, she is CRAZY about bubbles, She is a water baby! She can spend hours in the bath, pool, lake, ocean, you name it, she is in it. She loves to study Jesus, The Bible, her colors, numbers and alphabet. Flash cards are a favorite of hers, via iphone, ipad or the old fashioned way, by hand.
She spends every weekday afternoon with her grandparents who spoil her bunches.
She would spend all day outside with her Nana and Papa having her swing if they
would let her. (as it is, she gets at least an hour on the swing every day!)
The higher she can go in the swing, the louder her smiles and laughter is.
Taking walks every day with Nana is also a favorite thing of hers to do.
Mommy and Katie have a standing date every Thursday after therapy to hit Chick
Fil A and the park together. She is not a picky eater and loves to eat! Having
an Oriental grandmother means there is always a bowl of rice ready to eat! She
loves ice cream, vanilla and chocolate are in a tie! She is crazy about Cool
Ranch Doritos and Chips Ahoy.
Her favorite thing to do with her brother is
watch and play wrestling. She never gets tired of playing ball with anyone who
will throw, roll or kick it to her. Her favorite toy is her shopping basket.
She loves to push it around the house and take her "puppy" for a ride. She also
loves going to the bounce house and bouncing away.

has all of us wrapped around her finger!!!
I love it! I thought I had posted a comment, but I guess not. I love that Katie has been chosen as one of Wyatt's Valentines. We are honored! I hope she says yes!! We will have to see I guess.....
ReplyDeleteAwesome! That's Katie-Bug