Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One of Wyatt's Newest Valentines.... Equadorian Beauty Grace!

this is the first picture my mama and papa
ever saw of me!  i was 2 1/2!
you might remember beautiful grace, the Ecuadorian beauty who we had dinner with a few weeks ago!  if you missed that post, you can read it here!   her family lives in pace, which is one of the communities that we are considering living in when we make our big move this summer!   we just know that we are going to be great friends with her family! 

Grace loves to eat!   Her favorite foods include pizza, spaghetti, chips and salsa, guacamole and ice cream.  She also loves to eat at Chick-Fil- A!    [this list of favorites are also wyatt's favorites!]  

this is the first time i met my mama and papa!
She loves watching Elmo Music Dance DVDs and Signing Times!   Grace also likes dancing, and loves 80s music (is there any other music beyond the 80's?)!   She LOVES football- "Go Gators!"   [here she and wyatt part ways.....he's a SEMINOLE all the way!!]

Some of Grace's favorite toys include her pretend kitchen and her cookie monster counts cookies toy.  She also love playing outside and wearing her rainbow scarf and fun hats and clothes!   Her favorite color is purple and she loves her pet Great Dane!

i really am a "gator!"
She is the youngest of four siblings; Ashley 24, Nathen 22, Eric 18!  She is 6 years old, and is very petite due to her Ecuadorian heritage.

i love playing outside!
Grace loves to show affection to almost anyone. It's her gift to others!   It seems like everywhere we go everyone knows and remembers her and enjoys her spunky spirit and great hugs!   [it sounds like she is a tremendous blessing to everyone she meets....... something else i say about wyatt all the time as well!]   you can follow her family's story here!
so here's my answer! 
"i'd snap at the chance to be your valentine, wyatt!"  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny! What a beauty! I am enjoying all your posts on all these beauties! Wyatt is so popular!
